Professor Alice Mansell

and Mansell Design Group

Curriculum Vitae




Section I  Summary & Overview   

Section II  Executive Experience   

Section III  Academic Experience    

Section IV  Academic Qualification   

Section V  Personal Data   




Appendix A  Research and Exhibitions    

Appendix B  Selected Publications, Presentations & Scholarly Papers    

Appendix C  Membership in Academic and  Professional Societies   

 Appendix D  University Service   

Appendix E  Community Service   

Appendix F  Grants and Consultancies   
Appendix G
Teaching Experience  


Section I

Summary and Overview

Alice Mansell heads The Mansell Design Group (2002 – 2022), which provides Executive Coaching, Organizational Development and assistance to organizations wishing to design and implement new programs and new learning delivery models. Clients have included: Lakehead University Okanagan College, University of Manitoba, Cal State Hayward, University of Regina, Vancouver College of Art and Design, CANARIE. In addition she provides Board and Management development and support for young women in not-for-profit companies and mentorship for young female entrepreneurs in creative business ventures

She was Co Principal of Leading by Design (which operated from 2002 – 2012) focused on assisting post secondary organizations to develop executive, faculty and staff managers and teams and their collaborative processes to support innovation required to meet new markets and pressures. Clients include Okanagan College, University of Victoria, Kings College, McMaster University, University of Regina, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, University of Northern BC, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Athabasca University, Vancouver Island University, University of the Fraser Valley, Thompson Rivers University, University of Calgary, University of Canadian Association of University Business Officers.

She led the design of National Workshop on eContent with support from the Departments of Heritage and Industry Canada through CANARIE, led the creation and design of the Advanced Research in Media program as well as the eContent Repository Project initiative to build programs, expertise and opportunities in the intersections of technology, arts, education and culture sectors. She was a member of the Content Innovation Subcommittee for the Department of Heritage’s Canadian Culture Online Initiative.

She was Chair of the Senior Steering Committee on eLearning, a member of the Senior Steering Committee on Econtent and a recent member of the Board of Directors of CANARIE, BCNet, New Media Innovation Center (NewMic), and in 1996 was selected as Woman of the Year (Education & Research) in Halifax.

Professor Alice Mansell was the founding Vice President, Academic of The Technical University of British Columbia (TechBC) from 1998 to 2002, when it was merged with Simon Fraser University.

During her tenure at TechBC, Professor Mansell led the design, planning, approval and development of Bachelor of Science, Masters of Applied Science and PhD programs in Interactive Arts (digital arts and design), Information Technology (computer science and engineering), and Management and Technology. This included:

  • Design and implementation of organizational teams, structures, policies and resources to realize effective delivery of programs based on innovative pedagogical, online and interdisciplinary principles.
  • Planning and recruitment of highly qualified and committed faculty, learning staff and learning support and learners, along with professional development programs to enable faculty, learning staff and managers to grow their expertise and effectiveness.
  • Industry and community support through Program Advisory Committees, public presentations, as well as participation on industry, government, and community boards and projects.

While President of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Alice led organizational restructuring projects, program reviews and curriculum revision coupled with achievement of substantially increased enrolments. This was accomplished while the college was forced to cope with a 25% reduction in provincial funding and build a sustainable budget process. These efforts and increased advocacy at Ministry and community levels resulted in the college being able to resist being merged with a larger university (the plans for the merger had been defined just prior to her appointment) and the loss of its signature studio-based programs. At the same time she was able to achieve the first significant funding from private sources for a New Media center and program, and for new faculty positions.

During her tenure as Chair of the Department of Visual Arts, at The University of Western Ontario, Alice Mansell led the department from a small program in derelict buildings threatened with closure to its current state. The Department of Visual Arts continues to enjoy international status for its unique graduate and undergraduate programs, its active faculty research profile, its high student demand, and for its position as a nexus for collaborations among other programs at the university and in community. During two consecutive terms she led:

  • the revision of the undergraduate program, including initiation of more diverse curriculum content to include indigenous and North American cultural and historical content.
  • the creation and funding of a new type of graduate program that capitalized on the intersections of studio, criticism and theory practices.
  • acquisition of a renewed and expanded faculty complement
  • tripling of enrollment
  • program collaborations with Faculty of Medicine, Engineering and Business, Fanshawe College and Beale Sr. Secondary.
  • establishment of Visual Arts Program Advisory Committee with arts and business leaders from across Canada and from the U.S.
  • funding and construction of the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre designed by Ray Moriyama

As Assistant Dean of Fine Arts and a member of Faculty in the Department of Art at the University of Calgary, she developed faculty research mentoring and funding programs, and interdisciplinary programs with Music, Dance, Theatre, English, Gender Studies, and Visual Art.

Professor Mansell maintained a research practice throughout which sought to explore the relation between learning and experience design in electronic environments with an international reputation as an artist in innovative, installation and electronic media. She also lectured widely on the relations among contemporary art theory, education, culture and technology.

She has built a reputation for building innovative learning models, programs and facilities for the arts and higher education across the country.

As an Artist Mansell has continually built her active studio practice using painting, drawing, costume and embroidery to explore and critique representations of gender, class, and authority. She has also worked extensively with dance and theatre artists to create costumes, sets, exhibitions and performances since 1980. She has exhibited in public and private galleries across Canada, the US, the UK, Germany, Austria, China and Japan.

Professor Mansell was born in Alberta and holds degrees from the University of Calgary and the University of British Columbia, and program certificates from University of Manitoba, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Harvard University.


Section II

Executive Experience

Position: Professor and Vice President, Academic

Date: February 1, 1998 to March 20, 2002

Organization: Technical University of British Columbia, now SFU Surrey


    • Leadership in promoting & realizing TechBC’s vision.
    • Building academic infrastructure, programs and resources within a constrained time and resource context.
    • Development of effective links to and consultation with TechBC’s stakeholders and constituencies.
    • Program Implementation and Operations.
    • Faculty and Learning Staff recruitment, retention and development structures and processes.
    • Student recruitment, retention and development.
    • Organizational and structural Development including physical and virtual sites and space.
    • Development of collaborative organizational culture.

Achievements:        Led & organized

    • Effective collaborative articulation, communication and cultivation of TechBC’s vision and mandates.
    • Growth of academic resources, personnel and infrastructure from a start-up mode to critical mass.
    • Advocacy and practice of collaborative and team work within and across various functions and staff.
    • Effective student involvement in program development, delivery and governance.

Managed & supervised

    • Planning and implementation of TechBC’s innovative program streams & concentrations.
    • Development of innovative and creative pedagogical models, framework and the required educational technology and services for program production and delivery at undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels.
    • Recruitment and retention of highly motivated staff & faculty from around the globe.
    • Professional development and orientation of faculty coordinated with TechBC’s highly innovative educational technology and learning expertise and support.

                                        Planned and implemented

    • Effective working relations with British Columbia’s Degree Program Review Committee (DPRC) and obtained their approval for Bachelor, Masters and PhD degrees
    • Effective working relations with Program Advisory Committees (PAC), helping TechBC to capture its constituency’s requirements, participation, support and advocacy for its academic and R&D programs. Initiated Aboriginal Peoples@Tech.BC project
    • Public presentations to raise TechBC’s profile and articulate its vision including: the Vancouver Institute, the National Retreat for Women, National Conference on ONLINE Learning, Advanced Content Symposium, Banff Center, Asian Partners in E-Commerce, Software Human Resources Council, International College Art Association, Summit on the Arts in Canada, Harvard Institute for Higher Education Management, SUAC programs, etc.
    • Active participation as member and leader of various projects on creative online learning and content development to raise awareness at provincial and national levels, such as Member of Board of CANARIE and BCNet, Elearning Advisory Committee, Econtent Advisory Committee, Chair of Senior Steering Committee on Elearning, City of Surrey Public Arts Advisory Council, BCVice Presidents Academic Committee, member of Wired Women, SCWIST, Minerva, etc.



Position: Professor and President

Date: January 1, 1995 to January 31, 1998

Organization: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design


    • Leadership and management of integrated financial and operational planning and procedures of university and its ancillary operations.
    • Leadership and management of effective development, review, approval and delivery of programs, and expansion of curriculum diversity.
    • Leadership in promoting and expanding NSCAD’s profile and support in the province, nation, and beyond.
    • Leadership in developing fiscally sound international programs.
    • Development of resources and support for the control and management of facilities infrastructure in the city center.
    • Development of effective links to key stakeholders in business, postsecondary and government constituencies


 Achievements:           Led and organized

    • Survival of NSCAD as an independent Arts and Design Institution in the face of a planned merger articulated by the provincial authorities prior to her arrival.
    • Effective shared definition, communication and implementation of priorities and principles to substantially increase the quality of, and access to programs in the wake of 25% reduction in government funding.
    • First effective planning for recruitment and retention of increased undergraduate and graduate enrollments, nationally and internationally.
    • Development and cultivation of NSCAD’s profile and visibility at both regional and national levels through partnerships with alumni, community and business groups in the region
    • Development of collaborative program development, approval and review through creation of effective organizational structures to meet externally mandated assessment guidelines and to effect increased internal cooperation

                                     Managed and supervised

    • Development and implementation of the first marketing, communications and recruitment campaign in collaboration with learners, staff, and community leaders
    • Development of strategic reports and planned events to counter plans to merge and reduce NSCAD programs with a larger university
    • Development of plans to realign and integrate program offerings to increase capacity for enrollments in high demand areas through workshops with alumni, faculty and students
    • Close cooperation with program groups in sister universities to broaden program options
    • Planning and founding of Halifax University Consortium through close cooperation and coordination with NSCAD Board Chair, elected to lead the Consortium in collaboration with the provincial government and Halifax Universities

                                  Planned and Implemented

    • New media programs and facilities in design through cooperation with local industry and internal staff. Coordinated plans for New Media Centre with partners from Industry (Cisco, Intel, MT&T, KPMG, and Salter Street), regional government (ACOA, Innovacorp) and other universities; and secured first stage funding and ongoing commitments
    • Coordinated integrated management structure within NSCAD to achieve greater efficiency and consistency
    • Led student information, support and records system revamp to increase internal efficiency and to prepare for effective coordination with university programs to increase options and resources for NSCAD programs

Position: Professor and Chair of the Department of Visual Arts,

Date: July 1, 1987 to December 31, 1994

Organization: The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario


    • Reinvigorate a department threatened with closure.
    • Revamp undergraduate curriculum to meet its stated goals.
    • Establish a market and scholarly case for program and research congruent with Faculty of Arts and University priorities.
    • Integrate program and research projects with key university organizations and projects.
    • Revamp or renew the physical facilities.



                                 Led and organized

    • Review and major revision of undergraduate program to align with university standards and to demonstrate affects of more effective structure and delivery to realize higher learning outcomes for students.
    • Review of and renewal of faculty expertise through active recruitment, special funding initiatives, partnerships with other departments; and through workshops on pedagogy, research and professional development.
    • Development of international program and research advisory groups and process to encourage and support effective physical and programmatic improvements and progress.
    • Led a province-wide review of Ontario’s university visual arts programs along with analysis of and strategic plan for Ontario College of Art with a team of 18 consultants, and a Finance and Technology panel.
    • Led series of presentations by department colleagues in symposia, conference and workshops within the university, in Canadian, US and English universities to raise awareness of the uniqueness of the program and research excellence.
    • Chaired University Budget and Planning Committees, active member of University Building, Development, Appointment, Promotions and Tenure Committees.

Managed and supervised

    • Coordination of program development through participation in course development and delivery teams at all levels.
    • Marketing and recruitment efforts to raise funding for a new Visual Arts building of size and style to ensure further development and sustainability.
    • Integration of university-wide interdisciplinary program projects with Engineering, Medicine and Business.
    • Development of and support for Masters Program in Art Theory and Criticism at provincial and national levels.

                                         Planned and Implemented

    • Collaborative program for research and program support from granting councils for university and community projects.
    • Unique undergraduate and graduate programs with integrated critical art history and theory with innovative studio practices.
    • Digital media lab facilities for programs and research in visual arts, film and communications.
    • Building of the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, designed by Ray Moriyama, opened June, 1994.


Position: Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts

Date: 1986 - 1987

Organization: University of Calgary


    • Coordination of program requirements with building plans for New Visual Arts Building completed 1987.
    • Development and coordination of research projects across the four Departments in the Faculty of Fine Arts.
    • Development of interdepartmental programs and projects.
    • Development of professional program, research and administrative effectiveness.


    • Led development and coordination of interdisciplinary courses
    • Coordinated external program review and revision.
    • Assisted in development and implementation of graduate program with attendant facilities and resource requirements.
    • Coordinated practicum and workshops in the art education program among the department, the faculty of education and high schools.
    • Developed program, resources and workshops for teachers in the schools on visual literacy using regional resources.
    • Participated in initiatives to increase support from provincial government for university and cultural programs.

Section III

Other Academic Experience


Organization: Technical University of BC, Surrey, BC

       Position: Professor and Vice President Academic

Organization: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia

       Position: Professor and President

Organization: Faculty of Arts, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario

       Position: Professor and Department Chair

Organization: Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

       Position: Associate Professor

Organization: History Department, Laurentian University, Sudbury Ontario

       Position: Instructor

Organization: Art and Design Department, Cambrian College, Sudbury, Ontario

       Position: Instructor

Section IV

Academic Qualification


University Degrees and Certificates


  • Harvard University Institute for Management in Higher Education
  • University of Rochester Theory and Interpretation in the Visual Arts, NEH Institute
  • University of Manitoba Senior University Management
  • U.B.C Pre Med Science Diploma Studies
  • U.B.C. M.A. in Art Education Drawing and Perceptual Development
  • U. Calgary Post Baccalaureate coursework
  • U. Calgary B.Ed. Secondary Art and post graduate BFA qualification


Section V

Personal Data


Name Mansell, Alice May

Address #301 255 Main St..

Penticton, British Columbia, Canada

V2A 5B!

Telephone 778.839.6726 (Cell)


Web Site


Appendix A

Research and Exhibitions


One-Person Exhibitions

  • "Cultured Identities: The Nature of Costume": series of drawings and costume pieces for commissions and exhibitions, Left of Main, Vancouver, BC, April 2-12, 2019.
  • "Threads of Meaning, Porno Death Cult" series of painted, collaged and fabric works on canvas, Firehall Gallery, Vancouver, BC. Feb. 2014.
  • "Drawing on the Past", series of ink and thread drawings on vintage linens, ArtWorks, Gabriola, BC, 2006.
  • "bioGraphics: Botanica", Installation and performance of bioGraphics Botanica: Lifesigns, Evergreen Cultural Centre, Gallery and Theatre, Coquitlam, BC, April – May 2004.
  • "bioGraphics: Staged Practices 2.0", Kootenay Gallery, Castlegar, BC, September - October 2000.
  • "bioGraphics: Staged Practices", Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, BC, July – August 2000.
  • "The Texture and The Text; Clothing the Body", The City Art Gallery, Leicester, England, May - June 1998.
  • "Performing the Artist", Video exhibited at the Leicester Museum, Leicester, England,
  • May - June 1998.
  • "Performing the Artist" Video exhibited at Dock 4 during documenta X in conjunction with the Konfigurationen. Zwischen Kunst und Medien, Kassel, Germany, August 1997.
  • "bioGraphics: enGendered Positions" Hartnett Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, March - April 1997.
  • "bioGraphics: enGendered Positions" curator Susan Gibson-Garvey, Dalhousie Art Gallery, Exhibition included Web Site ( and publication, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, May - June 1996.
  • "Biographies and Biographics: The Construction of Identity in Art Practice", Andere Korper, Curator Sigrid Schade, Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz, Austria, August 1 - 30, 1994, residence; September 22 - October 30, 1994, exhibition.
  • "A. Mansell: Cultured Identities", London Regional Art and Historical Museums, July 13 - September 15, 1991. Curator: M. Lennon.
  • "A. Mansell: Drawings", Pentimento Gallery, Curator V. Greenfield, Toronto, Ontario, 1989.
  • "Works", Cadou Gallery, Bragg Creek, Alberta, May 24 - June 14, 1985.
  • "Alice Mansell", Lamarchand Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, May 7 - 28, 1983.
  • "Alice Mansell: New Drawings", James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, January 15 - 29, 1983.


Selected Performance works

  • "I can’t remember the word for I can’t remember": Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design, the Firehall, Vancouver,BC, Feb. 2018, toured 2018.
  • "How to Be": Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, the Cultch, Vancouver, BC, April 12-15, 2017, toured 2017.
  • "empty swimming pool": Tara Cheyenne Performance and Silvia Gibaudi, Costume Design and Creation, Scotia Dance Centre, Vancouver BC, Feb. 2015, Toured Italy April 2016.
  • "Porno Death Cult": Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume design and Creation, The Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver, BC, toured 2014-2016.
  • "4OUR"; Joe Ink, Costume and set Design and Creation, Scotia Dance Centre, Dance Centre, Vancouver, BC 2016.
  • "HighGate, the full version": Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, Set Decoration, Exhibition and Context Design and Creation, the Cultch, Vancouver, April 30 – May 4, 2013. Toured 2014.
  • "Goggles": Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, the Firehall, Vancouver, BC, 2009, toured 2010 t-2014
  • "Left": Joe Ink, Costume design and production, McPherson Playhouse, Victoria, BC February 6-7, 2013, Scotia Bank Dance Centre, March 6-9, 2013
  • "The Karolina Sisters": Caroline Liffmann & Lina Fitzner/ Light Box, Big Dress Costume design and creation, Dancing on the Edge, Firehall, July 5 and 7, 2012
  • The Tale of the Girl who went forth to learn what fear was: Lina Fitzner, Big Dress Costume design and creation, FUSE, Vancouver Art Gallery, July 6, 2012
  • "Caroline Liffmann & Lina Fitzner, Big Dress"; Costume design and creation, Dances for a Small Stage, February, 2012
  • "Las Tres Marias": The Contingency Plan Costume Design, Firehall Arts Centre, January, 2012.
  • "Banger"; Tara Cheyenne Performance, costume design, Edinburgh Testival, August 2012
  • Highgate: the Triplets: Tara Cheyenne Performance Costume design and creation, , Firehall Arts Centre, July 2011
  • "HighGate":Tara Cheyenne Performance Set/Costume design and installation for performances, Photo work with Tara Cheyenne Performance, Edam Arts Centre, Vancouver, March, 2009, Dances for a Small Stage, October 2010, Dance Allsorts, February, 2011.
  • "InHabitat": Joe Ink set/costume design, creation and installation, Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver, October 15-18, 2, 2009
  • "Live from the Bush of Ghost"s: Theatre Conspiracy, costume creation, , FUSE, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2008
  • "Timber Timbre": Joe Ink, set/costume design and creation with photo, Vancouver International Dance Festival, Scotiabank Dance Centre, March 14-17, 2008
  • "bioGraphics: Botanica", paintings,costumes, photographs, installation and performance of "LifeSigns". Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam, BC, April – May 2004. Video produced and exhibited in Shanghai, Vancouver and Gabriola.
  • "The Beckoning": Tara Cheyenne, costume and set design and production, the Roxy, Vancouver, August 12-16, 2002, and Espace 303, Montreal, Quebec, March, 2003
  • "Traces": Alice Mansell, Costumes, Drawings and Sculpture Installation London Regional Art Gallery, Collaboration with J. Behrens, composer, and D. Krasnow, choreographer, grant from Ontario Arts Council. January 1990.
  • "Treppentanz": Alice Mansell, and D. Krasnow, choreographer", Drawings, Projections, Costumes, Set Design and Installation, University Theatre, and composer, cast of 15 dancers, construction and stage crew, Calgary, Alberta, March 11 - 14, 1987.


Group Exhibitions

  • "Wearing Identity", An Exhibition by Barb Clausen and Alice Mansell, Medici’s, Oliver BC, July-September, 2012
  • "MOMENTUM": Contemporary Works By Chinese and Canadian Artists, Nanaimo Art Campus Gallery, Nanaimo, May 12 – June 10, 2006. Exhibition and catalogue
  • "WOMAN'S DECLARATION"-Contemporary Women Artists' Exhibition", Shanghai Duolun Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China, November, 2004 Exhibition and catalogue
  • "Courbet’s Venus and Psyche a Painting Lost" by Alice Mansell and Mickey Meads, in the Body Missing Web site by Vera Frenkel, 1995-2003 (, the National Gallery of Canada, 1996, Bremen, Gemany, 1997, Power Plant, Toronto, 1996, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999, Tokyo, Japan, 2000, Goethe Institute, Toronto, 2001, currently accessible through website
  • "Body Missing", Internet Exhibit by Vera Frenkel. "Courbet's Venus and Psyche, A Painting Lost: Three Investigations to locate the Remains of the Body Missing" Images, texts, and video by A. Mansell and A. Meads. International Society for Electronic Art, Montreal, Que. Sept. - Oct. 1995. Now sited at
  • "Representations", Khyber Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 1995.
  • "Safe Spaces", Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, December, 1994.
  • "Ot(her) Art: Theory and Practice", Arthur Haberman Gallery, York University, Toronto, February 28 - Mar. 11, 1994.
  • "Practice and Pedagogy", (Role and Identity: Cultivating the Artist, Painting and overlay of text and image). Exhibition of Artists and other works from The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario; Zavitz Hall, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, March 30 - April 21, 1993.
  • "Practice and Pedagogy", (The Culture of the Artist, installation and 40 drawings). Exhibition of Work by Artists at The University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph, McIntosh Gallery, London, Ontario, January 16 – February 21, 1993.
  • "whose Work is It? And Who Cares?", Video (30 min.) and Text (42 pages) by S. Butler, M. Lennon and A. Mansell, Hart House, Toronto, Ontario, July 1992; Peterborough, Ontario, December 1992 and Woodstock, Ontario, April 1993.
  • "Reflexion vor dem spiegel", curator S. Schade-Tholen, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, Germany, February 7 - 23, 1992.
  • "Faculty Exhibition", McIntosh Gallery, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, January 9 - February 15, 1991.
  • "Memory Works", Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, September - October, 1991.
  • "Memory Works", Mississauga Civic Centre Art Gallery, Mississauga, Ontario, March 8 - April, 1991.
  • "Memory Works: Postmodern Impulses in Canadian Art", London Regional Art Gallery, Curated by M. Cheetham, Catalogue, London, Ontario. December 15, 1990 - February 4, 1991.
  • "Traces", Drawings and Sculpture Installation London Regional Art Gallery, Collaboration with J. Behrens, composer, and D. Krasnow, choreographer, grant from Ontario Arts Council. January 1990.
  • "Split Image", Betty Oliphant Theatre, collaborative performance with D. Krasnow choreographer, Toronto, Ontario, 1988.
  • "Faculty Exhibition", McIntosh Gallery, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, February 3 - 28, 1988.
  • "Not Commercially Viable", Sculpture/Drawing Installation, Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, March 15 - April 5, 1987.
  • "Treppentanz", Created Drawings, Projections, Costumes, Set Design and Installation, University Theatre, Major collaborative project, co-directed with D. Krasnow, choreographer and composer, cast of 15 dancers, construction and stage crew, Calgary, Alberta, March 11 - 14, 1987.
  • "Witness to Private Motives", Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Curated by V. Greenfield, Catalogue by Aritha van Hirk, Four-person show. January 8 - February 4, 1987.
  • "Square Deal", Off Centre Centre, Calgary, Alberta, November 13 - December 13, 1986.
  • "Benefit", Stride Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, October 1986.
  • "Looking at Myself", Exhibit of Self-Portraits, Off Centre Centre, Calgary, Alberta, September 30, 1986. Curated by Don Maybe.
  • "Landshifts", A Series of Drawings: Projected and Exhibited for Mainstage, University Theatre, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, collaborative performance project with D. Krasnow, choreographer, 1986.
  • "An Alternative Point of View", Four person show, Gulf Canada Square, Calgary, Alberta, January 8 - 27, 1986. Curated by S. Gorris.
  • "Showcase for Alberta Women Artists", Exhibit supported by Alberta Culture, Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Grande Prairie, March - November 1985. Juried.
  • "Remy Martin Choice", Moos Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, October 1984. Curated by W. Mitchell.
  • "Gallery Artists", Vanderleelie Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, July - August 1984.
  • "Gallery Artists", James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, July 9 - 30, 1983.
  • "Alberta Artists", Wacko Gallery, Jasper, Alberta, July - August 1983. Invited.
  • "Gallery Artists", Lamarchand Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, August 10-28, 1983.
  • "Faculty Show", Department of Art, Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta, January - February, 1983.
  • "Small Works", James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, December 2 - 17, 1982.
  • "Alberta on Paper", Gallery Pascal, Toronto, Ontario, February - March 1982. Invited.
  • "Drawing Now", James Ulrich Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, February - March 1982. Curated by James Ulrich.
  • "Faculty Works", Department of Art, Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta, September 1981.
  • "Self-Portraits", The Little Gallery, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, March 1980.
  • "Alberta Society of Artists Show", Shell Gallery (juried), Calgary, Alberta, October-December 1979.
  • "Fifteen: Artists at Banff", Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta. Curated by Ron Moppett.
  • "Young Contemporaries", Mount Royal College Gallery (juried), Calgary, Alberta, October 1979.
  • "Drawings", Photo/Drawing Collages, three person show, Clouds n' Water Gallery, Public Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, September - October 1979.


Selected Collections


  • The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.
  • The London Regional Art and Historical Museum, London, Ontario.
  • The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
  • The Alberta Art Foundation Collection, Edmonton, Alberta.
  • The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Shanghai DuoLun Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China

Corporate and Private

  • London Life, London Ontario
  • B.O.A. Engineering Corporation, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Pan Canadian Oil, Calgary, Alberta.
  • NOVA, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Centre For Research on Violence Against Women and Children, University of Western Ontario.
  • Judge M. Hetherington, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Judge D.J. Martinson, Vancouver, BC
  • Dr. Verne Smith and Karen Cain, Gabriola, BC.
  • Drs Madeline and Tom Lennon, London,
  • Dr. D. Poff, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • S. Schade, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
  • Creative Associates, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Dr. Tim Rahilly, President, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta
  • Walter Stewart, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
  • Dr. Eliane Silverman, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
  • Drs. Bernie and Nancy Sheehan, Penticton, BC
  • Jim Hamilton, Kelowna, BC
  • Lin Shaye, Beverly Hills, California

Appendix B

Selected Publications, Presentations

and Scholarly Papers


Articles and Chapters Published

  • "WOMAN'S DECLARATION-Contemporary Women Artists' Exhibition", Shanghai Duolun Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China, catalogue essay, 2004.
  • "KunstlerInnen and die CyberUnivers~itat: Fur eine kulturelle Perspecktive im, ‘Global Village’" in Konfiguration: Zwischen Kunst und Medien, eds. Sigrid Schade and Georg Christoph Tholen, Wilhelm Fink Verlag: Munchen, Buch and CD Rom, ISBN 3-7705-3348-8, pp. 498 - 510, 1999.
  • "Staging the Issues: A Conversation about Practice and Pedagogy" by A. Mansell and R. Shuebrook, in Practice and Pedagogy, The University of Western Ontario, 1993.
  • "Visual Art as Knowledge: Why we study art at University", Western Gazette, Winter, 1992, p. 34.
  • "whose Work is it? And Who Cares", Book and video with M. Lennon & S. Butler. Project supported by Canada Council Grant, 1991. Text and video exhibited and used: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, York University, Concordia University and Grant McEwan College, 1993 - 93.
  • "Contemporary Art and Critical Theory in Canada, or Who's on Top?, in The Woman as Artist: Papers in Honour of Marsha Hanen, eds. Christine Mason Sutherland and Beverly Matson Rasporich, University of Calgary Press, pp. 145 - 162, ISBN 895176-37-9, 1993.,
  • "Voice of Art: Education/Image/Art," OSEA Journal, Volume 20, Fall, 1991, pp. 22 - 30.
  • "A. Mansell: Cultured Identities", with M. Lennon, Catalogue London Regional Art Gallery & Historical Museum, 1991.
  • "The Identity of the Body: The Body as Identity", Canadian Woman Studies Journal, Volume II, Number 1, North York: York University Press, pp. 29 - 31. ISBN0713-3235, 1990.
  • "Gender Bias in Art Education," in Gender Bias in Research: The Pervasive Prejudice, Waterloo: Sir Wilfred Laurier Press, 1988, pp. 99 - 117. eds, W. Tomm, G. Hamilton, translated by John Yokota, Japan, 1992.



  • "Artist as Model: For Studying Art," Unit I, Prairie Spaces, Films, Cassettes, and Teacher's Guide. Copyright January 1983. Alberta Art Foundation.


Selected Publications of Art

  • "Manoeuvre", Cover for Theory Between the Disciplines, eds. M. Cheetham and M. Krieswirth, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
  • "Conversations with Twelve Great Psychologists", Series of twelve critical group portraits in Encounters with Great Psychologists; Twelve Dramatic Portraits, by J.H. Kunkel, Toronto: Wall & Thompson, 1989. Additional Portraits on cover. ISBNO-921332-14-9.
  • "TVC 5", Cover for "Science, Morality & Feminist Theory" Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 13, 1987.


Selected Reviews and References

  • "Whose Idea Was It Anyway? And Who Cares?", by Dr. Johanna Drucker, M/E/A/N/I/N/G: Contemporary Art Issues, #13, May 1993, New York: Segue Foundation, pp. 5 - 7.
  • "Visual Pleasure: A Feminist Perspective", by Dr.Johanna Drucker, M/E/A/N/I/N/G: Contemporary Art Issues, Number 11, May, 1992, New York: Seque Foundation, pp. 3 - 11.
  • "Still Struggling: Making the Visual Arts Process Different", by Janice Andrae, Canadian Woman Studies, Volume 12, Number 3, Spring 1992, North York: York University, pp. 93 - 94.
  • "Alice Mansell", by Janice Andrae, Parachute 66, April/May/June 1992, Montreal, pp. 44 - 45.
  • "Vom Versagen der Spiegel, Das Selbst-Portrait in Zeitalter seiner Unonoglichkeit (Maria Lassnig, Cindy Sherman, Alice Mansell, Eva-Maria Schon)" by Sigrid Schade, Reflexionen vor dem Spiegel: Herausgegeben von Farideh Akashe-Bohme, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp-Verlag, 1992, pp. 139 - 163.
  • La memoire postmoderne: Essai sur l'art canadien contemporain, par Mark Cheetham, Trans: Jean Papineau, Montreal: Editions Liber, 1992, pp. 100 - 104, 205.
  • "Art, Identity and the Poetics of Displacement" by Janet Wolff, Catalogue for Faculty Exhibition, 1992, Arbutus.
  • Remembering Postmodernism: Trends in Recent Canadian Art, by Mark Cheetham, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 58 - 61, 140.

Book Reviews and Referee

  • "Canadian Folk Art, A Review," 'Folk Art: Primitive and Native Art in Canada' by Blake McKendry, Canadian Journal of Ethnic Studies, Volume XVI, Number 3, 1984, pp. 65 - 9, 1985.


Selected Papers Read

  • "Future Designs: The Arts in Next Generation Education, Research and Culture", School of Art, University of Manitoba, March 2003
  • "The Art of Management and the Role of Design", Keynote, Senior University Administrators Course, Banff, June 2002
  • "Technology and the Arts: Are We Missing the Boat? Keynote, Canadian Arts Summit, Banff, March 30, 2001.
  • "Entrepreneurship and Elearning", Harvard Institute for Management in Higher Education Seminar, Cambridge, Nov. 2001.
  • "The Art of Learning: Content at Last", Keynote, Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, October, 2000.
  • "Technology and the Art of the Story" Vancouver Institute, UBC, October, 2000.
  • "CA Net 3, Broadband, Online Learning and Culture", ACCC Conference, March, 2000.
  • "Biographics and Multimodal Technologies", Emotional Computing Symposium, Banff Centre, May 2000.
  • "Creating a Narrative/making a Life" Keynote, National Retreat for Women, Victoria, BC. May 2000.
  • "The Artist and the CyberUnivers~ity: Claiming a Cultural Perspective in the Global Village", delivered during documenta X at the Konfigurationen. Zwischen Kunst und Medien, Kassel, Germany, August 1997.
  • "Practicing Theory: Engendered Contexts", Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies, University of Rochester, New York, New York, May 1997.
  • "Technology, Inclusion, and the Problem with Aesthetics", University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, February 1997.
  • "Managing Knowledge: Universities in the Twenty First Century", Presidents' Panel, Halifax, Nova Scotia, January 1996.
  • "Visual Literacy: Managing Changes and the Future", International Women's Day Conference sponsored by the Premier of Manitoba, invited speaker, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 8, 1995.
  • "Feminist Art Theory in Practice: or The Role of the Loose Canon" Centre for Women Studies and Feminist Research, Knowing Politics, Conference, London, Ontario, October 1994.
  • "Art as Critical Practice: The Studio as it relates to Theory in Education of Practice", Department of Art and Art History, Rochester University, New York, March 22, 1994.
  • "Ot(her) Art: Staging a Partnership Between Theory and Practice", Panel session on "Other Art", York University, March 2, 1994.
  • "Identity as Difference: and the Role of the Loose Canon", in session "Feminism and Gender Studies: Taking Names Seriously", Juried paper, College Art Association, Seattle, Washington, February 4, 1993.
  • "Identity Politics: Theories of Identity in Canadian Art Practices", Women's Studies Program, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, February 2, 1993.
  • "A. Mansell, Work in Progress", Visiting Artist Public Lecture, sponsored by Grant McEwan College, February 1, 1993.
  • "Issues of Gender in the Artist's Identity", Department of Art, Grant McEwan College, Edmonton, Alberta, February 1, 1993.
  • "Difference and Feminist Meaning Making'", 1992 Feminist Art and Art History Conference, Barnard College, New York, New York, October 17, 1992.
  • "The Politics of Identity: Feminism, Race and Nationality", in session, Women Framed: Art and its Institutions', Feminist Scholarship: Revising the Canon, A Conference on Women-Focused Research, The University of Winnipeg, September 26, 1992.
  • "Visual Literacy: A Critical Consciousness", Kaleidoscope Program for Alumni, April 4, 1991.
  • "Visual Literacy: The Gallery as Educator", London Regional Volunteer Committee, September 24, 1991.
  • "Art History and Studio: Hierarchical or Collegial Relationships?" in session 'Round Table of Chairs', Universities Art Association of Canada Conference, November 10, 1991.
  • "Critical Pedagogy: Putting Theory into Practice" in session 'Reading Works: Popular Culture and Political Practice, Universities Art Association of Canada Conference, Queen's University, November 9, 1991. Refereed
  • "A. Mansell: Cultured Identities", London Art and Historical Museum, Lecture and tour of Exhibition, September 1991.
  • "Gender, Age, Location, Three Times Removed from Meaning," Barnard Feminist Art Historians Annual Conference, New York, New York, October 19, 1991. Refereed
  • "Feminisms and Art Practices" Hamilton Art Gallery, May 1, 1991. Invited
  • "Critical Theory as Surtext in Studio Practice", Frameworks: Association of Art Historians Conference, The Courtauld Institute, London, England, April 13, 1991. Refereed
  • "Critical Feminist Practice: Two Generations of Women Artists in Canada", Seminar, Gender Studies Programme, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, February 28, 1991.
  • "Critical Theory: Exposing Culture & Gender in Images", Invited Public Lecture, Faculty of General Studies, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, February 27, 1991.
  • "Voice of Art: Education, Image Culture", Endowed Lecture Series for Ontario Society for Education Through Art, McIntosh Art Gallery, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, January 30, 1991.
  • "Academic Orientation of a Graduate Art Programme", University Art Association of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, October 26, 1990. Invited
  • "Critical Theory and the Deformation of Practice", Universities Art Association of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, October 27, 1990. Refereed
  • "Sites of Authority in Canadian Painting", Department of Art & Design University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, March 1990. Invited
  • "The Identity of the Body, and the Body as the Identity of the Practice: a Feminist Artist's Practice", Barnard College, Department of Women Studies, New York, New York. February 1990. Invited
  • "Roles of Critical Theories in Studio Practices", Conference of Universities Art Association of Canada Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Chair and paper presenter. October 1989.
  • "Roles of Psychoanalytic Theories in Feminist Practices", Barnard College Feminist Art Historians Annual Conference, New York, New York, 1989. Invited respondent
  • "The Artist as Educator: Practice and dissemination of Art as Knowledge", Conference of Canadian Society for Education Through Art, Calgary, Alberta, 1988. Invited paper
  • "The Artist as Educator: Practice and Dissemination of Art as Knowledge". Canadian Society for Education Through Art, Calgary, Alberta, October 1988. Refereed
  • "Discipline-based Criticism and the Deformation of Practice," Theory Between the Disciplines Conference, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, April 8, 1988. Refereed
  • "The Discipline-Based Curriculum and Gender Bias in the Education of Gifted and Talented Girls", Conference of Canadian Society for Special Education, Lethbridge, Alberta, 1987. Refereed
  • "Gender Bias: Critique of D.B.A.E," National Association of Education Through Art, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1987. Refereed
  • "Gender Bias in the Education of Artists in Canada," Universities Art Association of Canada, Victoria, British Columbia, November 1986. Refereed
  • "Correcting Bias in the Curriculum," and "Aesthetic or Visual Literary: Educational or Governmental Policy," Keynote Speaker, Saskatchewan Society for Education Through Art, October 1986.
  • "Gender Bias in the Discipline-Based Curriculum," British Columbia Art Teachers Association, North Vancouver, British Columbia, March 1986. Refereed
  • "Regionalist, Nationalist, Feminist: Three Times Lucky?" Muttart Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, February 1986. Invited
  • "Gender Bias in Art Education," Seminar on the Treatment of the Sexes in Research, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, Calgary, Alberta, November 1985. Refereed
  • "Why There are no Great Teacher-Artists: The Need for a Dual Program," Canadian Society for Education Through Art, Montreal, Quebec, October 1985. Refereed
  • "Why There are no Great Teacher-Artists: Contradictions Between Theory and Practice," National Association of Education Through Art, Dallas, Texas, May 1985. Refereed
  • "Drawing and Post Modernist Aesthetic," University Art Association of Canada Conference, Montreal, Quebec, November 1984. Refereed
  • "Visual Resources in Alberta Art Education," Fine Art Council of the A.T.A. Conference, Calgary, AB April 1982. Invited


Appendix C

Membership in Academic

and Professional Societies

  • CANARIE, Board of Directors, 1999-2002.

Chair of Senior Steering Committee on E-Learning, 1998 to 2003.

Senior Steering Committee on E-Content, 2000 to 2004.

  • Heritage Canada, Canadian Culture Online, Subcommittee on Content Innovation, 2002-2004.
  • BCNet, Board of Directors, 2000 to 2002.
  • NewMic, New Media Innovation Centre, Board of Directors, Finance Committee, 2000 to 2002, Executive and CEO Selection Committee, 2001 to 2002.
  • City of Surrey, Public Art Advisory Committee, 1999 to 2002.
  • Wired Women, Vancouver, 1998 to 2003.
  • Vice Presidents Academic (BC) 1998 to 2002.
  • West VAC; VPs Academic of Western Provinces; 1999 to 2002.
  • NAT VAC, National Association of VPs Academic, 2000 to 2002.
  • Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents [CONSUP] 1995 – 98.
  • Metro Universities Consortium (MPC) Founding member, and steering coordinator, 1996 – 98.
  • Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) 1995 – 98.
  • Canadian Art College Presidents Consortium, 1995 – 98.
  • Canadian Society for Education Through Art, 1976 – 90.
  • National Association of Education Through Art, 1976 – 94.
  • Universities Art Association of Canada, 1978 – 2002.Ontario Representative on Executive Board, 89 - 91, Conference Director, 90 – 92.
  • College Art Association (CAA), 1978 - 2009
  • Canadian Association for Fine Arts Deans, SSHRC/ Canada Council Research Funding Development Committee, 1990 – 92.
  • Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada, 1990 to 2002.
  • Barnard Feminist Art Historians Conference Steering Committee, 1991 – 96. Co-Chair, 1992 – 93.



Appendix D

University Service

The Technical University of British Columbia

At TechBC, the Vice President Academic was both Chief Academic and Operating Officer, and therefore led, participated in and/or monitored all internal academic and operations groups. The following are selected key groups that have shaped and enabled progress to date.


  • Selection and Recruitment Committees, 1998 – 2002.
  • Academic Planning Board, Vice-Chair, 1998 - 2001. Chair 2001 to 2002.
  • Academic Planning Working Committee, Chair, which became Curriculum and Assessment Development Committee, Chair and Curriculum and Assessment Planning, Development of Academic Planning, etc to 2002.
  • University Budget Committee.
  • Program Advisory Committees for Interactive Arts, Management and Technology and Information Technology, Chair.
    President’s Executive Advisory Committee, 1998 to 2002.
  • Academic Management Team, Chair, 2000 to 2002.
  • Committee to develop logo and identity for TechBC, 1998 – 2000.


The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

At the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design the President is an ex-officio member of all academic committees and Board Committees. In addition the selection of the following committees indicate those committees initiated and led by the President. These were the key initiatives employed by the President, tasked by the Board to ‘turn around’ the College’s financial, academic, and profile decline.

  • President’s Task Force on Administrative Restructuring,
  • Curriculum Review Committee,
  • Faculty/Board/Administration Committee on Constitution,
  • Task Force on New Media Development, and Film School Proposal.


Outside the University selected:

  • Only Arts and Design Member of Prime Minister’s Team Canada Tour to Korea, Philippines, and Thailand, representing Nova Scotia Govt. International Education Group and Greater Halifax Partnership, 1997.\Greater Halifax Identity Task Force, 1996 – 98.
  • G-7 Summit Program Committee, cited by Prime Ministers Office for cultural contributions 1995.
  • Metro Universities Consortium Presidents Board, 1996 - 98.
  • Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents, 1995 - 98.
  • Novanet, Nova Scotia University Libraries Network, Chair, 1996 – 98.
  • Canadian Art Colleges Presidents’ Consortium.



The University of Western Ontario

Selected Departmental Level

  • Chair of Department, 1987 - 94.
  • Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee (Chair), 1987 - 94.
  • Curriculum Committee (Chair, ex officio), 1987 - 94.
  • Library Committee (Chair, ex officio), 1987 - 94.
  • M.A. Proposal Committee (Chair), 1987 - 94.
  • Budget Committee (Chair), 1987 - 94.
  • Building Committee (Chair), 1987 - 94.
  • Coordinator of Advisory Council for the Department of Visual Arts, chaired by Mr. Michael Koerner, 1992-4, semi annual meetings held in London and Toronto.

Selected University Level

  • Senate Committee on University Planning, (SCUP) 1992 - 95, Chair, 1993 – 94 and SCUP rep to Board of Governors Property and Finance Committee, 1993 - 94.
  • Senate Committee on University Development, 1988 - 90.
  • Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee, (Chair 1989) U.W.O., 1987 - 89.
  • Senate Nominating Committee, 1990 - 94. Vice-Chair 1991-92.
  • Senate, Member for Faculty of Arts, July 1989 - 94.
  • Senate Committee on Budgetary Affairs, Chair, 1993 - 94.
  • Graduate Planning and Policy Committee, 1993 - 94.
  • Project Planning Committee for Visual Arts Building, Chair, 1991 - 94.
  • Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism Steering Committee, 1988 - 94.
  • Centre for the Arts at Owen Sound Steering Committee, 1988 – 90.
  • Campus Master Plan: Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, 1989 - 91.
  • Women Studies Advisory Committee, 1993 - 95.
  • Art Therapy Board, Part-time & Continuing Education, U.W.O., 1987 - 88.
  • Accord Committee and Review Committee, 1987 - 91.
  • McIntosh Gallery Committee, ex officio 1987 - 94.
  • Employment Equity Communications Task Force, 1989 - 91.
  • Visual Arts Fundraising Committee, 1988 - 94 (M. Millar, V.P., P. Pedersen, A. Mansell, J. Foster, et al).
  • Selection Committee:
    • Director/Curator of McIntosh Art Gallery, 1989;
    • Chair: Department of English, May, 1991 - 92.
    • Review and Selection for the Provost: 1991.
    • Director of the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, 1992.

Selected Other Contributions to University

  • "Visual Literacy as Critical Knowledge", The University of Western Ontario Senior Alumni Program, March 16, 1993.
  • Kaleidoscope 92, "Visual Literacy: A Critical Consciousness", The University of Western Ontario, Alumni Western, Part-Time and Continuing Education, and Alumni Affairs, April 4, 1992.
  • Come to Campus Lectures – "Canadian Art and Visual Literacy", March 1990 and November 1990.
  • Citation for Patersen Ewen, Recipient of Honourary Doctorate, U.W.O. Convocation, June 7, 1989.
  • Introduction, "Engendering Women" Conference, January 28, 1988.



University of Calgary


  • Art Department Representative, Canadian Studies, 1982 - 87.
  • Academic Review Committees, Art Department and Drama Department, 1985 - 87.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies Committee for senior Canadian Studies in Faculty of General Studies, 1982 - 87.
  • Woman Studies Committee, 1982 - 87.
  • Visiting Speakers Program, Host and Publicity, September 1982-April 1983.
  • Developed and Coordinated First Interdisciplinary Course in Faculty of Fine Arts, F.A. 301, Women in the Arts, 1984 - 87.
  • Fine Arts Representative to Faculty of General Studies, 1984 - 87.
  • Executive Council, Faculty of Fine Arts, 1984 - 86.
  • Space Committee, Art Department, co-author of detailed reports I and II, May 1977-87.
  • Faculty of Fine Arts Executive, June 1982 - June 1983.
  • Student Affairs Committee, Faculty of Fine Arts, May 1977 - July 1979.
  • Fine Arts Education Committee, Faculty of Fine Arts, May 1978 - August 30 1981.
  • Joint University-Schools Research Committee, Faculty of Education, Jan. 1979 - Dec. 1979.
  • Fine Arts Education Liaison Committee, Faculty of Fine Arts, May 1978 - December 1981.
  • Chairman, Dean's Committee, Faculty of Fine Arts Assessment. Prepared and presented report on assessment to Executive Council, January - April 1980.
  • Early Childhood Education Planning Committee, January 1981 - August 1981.
  • Acting Head, Department of Art, July 22, 1981 - August 22, 1981.
  • Fine Arts Representative to Faculty of Education, June 1980 - October 1982.
  • Faculty Exhibition - collection/arrangement of show, reception, September 1977 - November 1977; September 1978 - November 1978; May 1979 - November 1979; July 1981 - September 1981.
  • First Year Studies Committee, Department of Art, 1977–78, and 80-81.
  • Coordinator, Art Education, May 1978 - August 31, 1981.
  • Departmental Appeals Committee, Department of Art, June 1980 - July 1981.

Appendix E

Community Service

Vancouver and Surrey


  • Public Art Advisory Committee, The City of Surrey, BC, 1998 to 2002.
  • Surrey, Cultural Strategic Planning, 1998 – 99.
  • Greater Vancouver Regional District, Cultural Strategy Planning, 1999 – 2000.
  • Surrey Public Art Gallery, "Biographics and the Art of the Narrative", Series on Art and New Technologies, Spring, 2000.
  • NewMic, New Media Innovation Centre, Board of Directors, 2000 to 2002.
  • NewMic, New Media Innovation Centre, Finance Committee, 2000 to 2001, Executive Committee, 2001 to 2002.
  • BCNet, Board of Directors, and Regional Network Liaison with CANARIE, 2000-2002.
  • Board of Trade, "Women in E-Commerce", Keynote, Asean Conference, fall 1999.



  • Board of Directors, and Executive Committee, Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC), June 1995 to January 1999.
  • President’s Business Advisory Cabinet for Communications and Strategy.
  • Jury for New Neptune Theatre Projects, 1996.
  • "Artist, Educator and Entrepreneur: Using Cyberspace", VANS (Visual Arts Nova Scotia), Keynote speaker, June 1995.
  • "The Arts and Business: Partners on the Global Stage" keynote speaker, at NEW CONVERSATIONS, National Conference on roles culture plays in the development and support of international trade. Halifax, June, 1995.
  • "The Smart City: Universities' Roles", Symposium on New Business Opportunities, Halifax Club, July, 1995.



  • Coordinator of Sculpture Competition: The Women's Monument Project, 1994.
  • Board Member, London Regional Art & Historical Museums, 1993 - 94. Exhibitions Committee, 1988 - 90.
  • Board Member and Volunteer, City Art Centre, Centre and programs for Street and former Psychiatric patients 1991 - 94. Led development of series of Exhibitions and publications of work by Art Centre Artists that toured Ontario Hospitals and Community Centres, 1993 - 96.
  • Led coordination of Fanshawe College, Beal Diploma and Western Art Dept. to pilot a student art collaboration: "5.5.5 Exhibition" of five students each from The University of Western Ontario, Beal and Fanshawe at London Regional Art and Historical Museum, February 18 - March 11, 1993.
  • Chair, Fine Arts Committee for Women of Distinction Awards 1993, YWCA, London, Ontario.
  • Member of London Life Acquisitions Committee, 1990 - 94.
  • "Attila Lukacs - Five Layers of Identity" panel presentation, London Regional Art Gallery and Historical Museum, April, 1990.
  • Program Assessment, Fanshawe College, Fine Art Program, January 1990.
  • "Portrait/Self/Portrait: the Process of identification", An exploration of historical and contemporary images of the artist and the portrait as the construction of an identity. Day-long workshop/seminar with M. Lennon for the 16th Annual Weekend for the Centre for Studies in Creativity, Kings College, May 1989.
  • Jury, and Chair for the Wellington Street Sculpture Project, May, 1989.
  • "The Arts in General Education," seminar for Faculty, Fanshawe College, January 20, 1988.
  • Juror, 40th Western Ontario Exhibition, London Regional Art Gallery, January 9 1988.
  • London Regional Art Gallery, Art Education Liaison Group (Chair), 1988 - 90.
  • Fanshawe College, Advisory Committee to Review Art Program (3-person), 1987-89.



  • Juror for Famous Five Public Sculpture Project, installed in Calgary in Fall, 1999, and in Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Fall, 2000.
  • Volunteer Consultant, Private Daycare Association of Alberta, 1982-85.
  • Secretary-Treasurer, Alberta Society of Artists, March 1978 - July 1979.

Appendix F

Grants and Consulting


Selected Funded Research

Creative Research:

  • bioGraphics: Botanica, Evergreen Cultural Centre Exhibition Assistance, 2004
  • Northern England Arts Council, Leicester Exhibition Assistance, 1998,
  • University of Kassel, Germany, Dock Project, 1997,
  • Austrian Arts Council- Andere Korper Residency and Exhibit, 1994- $40,000
  • S.S.H.R.C. - 1994, - Biographies and Biographics - $8,000.
  • S.S.H.R.C. Travel/Research in Germany- 1992, $3,000.
  • Canada Council - 1991, for collaborative Video and Text: "Whose Work is It?" with Sheila Butler and Madeline Lennon, $5,000
  • Ontario Arts Council - 1991, "Alice Mansell: Cultured Identities", 1991, London Regional Art and Historical Museum, $10,000.
  • Ontario Arts Council - 1989/90 - set for "Traces" - interdisciplinary collaborative performance at London Regional Art Gallery, January 30, 1990, $15000.
  • The University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Arts Research Projects:

1988 - "Canadian Masterpieces: Painted Sights"

1989 - "Sites of Authority in Canadian Art"

1990 - "Cultured Identities: Roles of the Artist"

1991 - "Critical Theory as Surtext in Studio Practice"

1992 - "Roles of Artist' Identities: Feminisms & Nationalities"

1993 - "Biographies and Biographics: Computing the Artist"

1994 -  "Biographies - Video and Computer"

Academic Research:

  • Academic Development Fund - 1994, The University of Western Ontario: Multimedia Platforms and Visual Arts Research and Development Lab, $25,000.

  • Academic Development Fund - 1992, The University of Western Ontario: Electronic Media and Visual Arts Course Delivery, $14,500.

  • University of Calgary, Faculty of Fine Arts Research Grant, 1987 - "Gender Bias: A Critique of the Discipline-Based Curriculum."



Selected Consulting and Reviews

  • Leading By Design 2002-2013: Organizational development and leadership programs for Deans and Department Heads: UVic, UBC, UNBC, TRU, VIU, UFV, Okanagan College in BC; U of Calgary, Athabasca University, Concordia University, Edmonton Alberta; U of Saskatchewan, U of Regina, U of Winnipeg, Lakehead University, McMaster University, Kings College, London, Ont.
  • The Mansell Design Group:
    • Development and Organization of First National E-Content Workshop,
    • Extending the Edge: Connecting Creators/Building Business, design and implementation of e-content Repositories Program. Nov. 2002 to May 2003
    • Elearning: Progress and Promise, CANARIE, 2004
    • New Media Programs Development U of Manitoba. 2004-6
    • Campus 2020, BC Ministry of post secondary Education, 2006
    • Executive Coaching and Organizational Development: Lakehead University, 2012-present, U of Winnipeg, VIU,
    • Complete Program and Curriculum Development: Vancouver College of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC
  • Program, Department and Faculty Reviews:
    • Review of the Art Department program, California State University Hayward,1999.
    • Review of Department of Art and Art History, Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of British Columbia, February 24 - 26, 1997.
    • Review of Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, York University, November 22 - 24, 1995.
    • Review of Department of Art and Art History, University of Rochester, March 22 - 23, 1994.
    • Review of School of Art, University of Manitoba, October 29 - 30, 1992.
  • Referee and review;
    • ‘The Art of Reflection: Women Artist's Self-Portraiture in the Twentieth Century’, for Columbia University Press, New York, New York. January 1996.
    • ‘Questions of Community: Artists, Audiences, Coalitions’, eds. Augaitis, D., Falk, L., Gilbert, S., Moser, M.A. for Banff Centre Press, Banff, Alberta, February 1996.
    • Computers and the Humanities Journal, University of Western Ontario, 1991-4.
  • Referee:
    • Journal of the Ontario Society for Education Through Art 1989 to present.
    • McGill University Press - Books on Drawing and Theory, 1989 to present.
  • Art Bank Transition Advisory Committee, reported to Canada Council re: new role and management of the Canada Council Art Bank, July to December 1995.
  • Chair of Task force to Review the Ontario College of Art, appointed by the Ontario Council on University Affairs, July, 1991 to Feb. 1992. Directed 18 program reviews, 4 management and governance consultants, and an institutional analysis team. Two interim reports circulated to all Ontario post-secondary institutions supporting visual arts programs. Final recommendations prepared for, and in consultation with the Minister of Colleges and Universities.
  • Programs Committee for C.S.E.A. 1988 Conference Program Design and Research Selection, June 1986 - 87.
  • "Drawing: A Program for Visual Education in the Elementary School," designed, developed and delivered workshops sponsored by Alberta Visual Arts and Calgary Public/Separate School Boards, October, 1983.

 Appendix G

Teaching Experience


General Areas of Academic Specialization

Art-based cognitive science and human computer interaction

  • History, Theory and Criticism of Cultures of Art/Design/Costume,
  • Canadian Studies, the Arts in Canada
  • Studio based art practices: Drawing, Painting, performance, fibre arts and installation and electronic experience design
  • Art Education including interdisciplinary curriculum development, production, and research
  • Pedagogy and online learning design and delivery in post-secondary Education
  • Administration in Higher Education


Courses Taught

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

Grad 607 (Post-Modern Pedagogy and Art)

The University of Western Ontario

  • VA 221b (Anatomical Drawing)
  • VA 020 (Course Coordinator, Foundations of Studio Practice)
  • VA 422 (Painting)
  • VA 430 (B.F.A. Practicum)
  • VA 390F (Feminist Perspectives in Art History)
  • VA 391G (Feminist Perspectives in Critical Practice)
  • VA 430 (2 credit Practicum, 4th year Honours Studio & Thesis)

University of Calgary

  • Art 310 [Art Education)
  • Art 510 (Art Education Thesis)
  • Art 241/3, [Introduction Drawing]
  • Art 341/3 (Advanced Drawing)
  • Art 231/3 (Art Fundamentals)
  • Art 599 (Art Theory & Aesthetics)
  • CNST 433 (The Arts in Canada)
  • FINA 301 (Women in Arts in Canada)


Thesis Supervision

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

Supervised 6 Master of Fine Arts students, defining thesis project, development, exhibit and publication, 1995-8.

The University of Western Ontario

  • Susan Schenk, "Burning Dinner is not incompetence but War: Marriage and Madness in Contemporary Fiction", Ph.D. External examiner, 1988.
  • David White, "An Archeology of Aids Fiction" vPh.D. Dissertation, Dept. Of English, Graduate Advisory Panel, 1988-1994.
  • Thomas Heyd, "A Reassessment of Lock's Theory of Cognition of the External World", Ph.D. Dept. of Philosophy. External examiner, February 26, 1993.
  • Susan Varney, "Putting Love into Words: Kristeva's Heretical Ethic of Signs", Master of Arts (M.A.), Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, Thesis Examiner, June, 1993.
  • Kym Preusse, "The Performative Tensions of Transgressive Theory", Master of Arts (M.A.), Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism, Thesis Examiner, April 20, 1994.


University of Calgary

  • Teresa Posyniak, "Sanctuary," Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), June 1984; Exhibition (Installation) and thesis, University of Calgary.
  • Dave Morrish, "Extended Moments," Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), September 1985; Exhibition and thesis, University of Calgary.
  • Grace Murao, "Adventures on Tweed Island," Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), June 1986; Exhibition and thesis, University of Calgary.
  • Ernest Kroeger, "The Broadview Road Project," Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), June 1987; Exhibition and thesis, University of Calgary.
  • Rob Milthorp, "In Progress," Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), September 1987; Exhibition (Installation) and thesis, University of Calgary.
  • Pam King: graduate committee, 1986-87.
  • Linda Edgar: graduate committee, 1986 -87.


Alice Mansell Curriculum vitae 2022

Alice Mansell has exhibited multi-media, paintings, drawings and installation works in public galleries across Canada, in the US, UK, Germany, Austria and China.

She has collaborated with choreographers and performers to create costumes and set designs from 1982 to the present.

She has led innovations in art and design programs at universities and colleges in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Nova Scotia.

As a consultant on organizational and program development and as an executive coach, she has worked with more than 30 universities and leaders across Canada; and now with not for profit women led organizations.

As a visual artist, collaborator and educator she is intensely engaged with how we learn to be - forming culture and formed by culture - through the ‘arts’ experience as audience, performer and creator.

Personal Information

Full Name

Mansell, Alice May

Home Address

#301– 255 Main Street, Penticton, British Columbia, Canada V2A 5B1


778-839-6726 (cell)


Web Site

Citizenship Status




Selected One-Person Exhibitions

  • "Cultured Identities: The Nature of Costume": series of drawings and costume pieces for commissions and exhibitions, Left of Main, Vancouver, BC, April 2-12, 2019.
  • "Threads of Meaning, Porno Death Cult" series of painted, collaged and fabric works on canvas, Firehall Gallery, Vancouver, BC. Feb. 2014.
  • "Drawing on the Past", series of ink and thread drawings on vintage linens, ArtWorks, Gabriola, BC, 2006.
  • "bioGraphics: Botanica", paintings,costumes, photographs and performance of LifeSigns. Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam, BC, April – May 2004. Video produced and exhibited in China, Vancouver and Gabriola, 2004-8.
  • "bioGraphics: Staged Practices", Kootenay Gallery, Castlegar, BC, September - October 2000.
  • "bioGraphics: Staged Practices", Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, BC, July – August 2000.
  • "The Texture and The Text; Clothing the Body", The City Art Gallery, Leicester, England, May - June 1998. Exhibition and catalogue
  • "Performing the Artist", Video exhibited at the Leicester Museum, Leicester, England, May - June 1998.
  • "Performing the Artist" Video work exhibited at Dock 4 during documenta X, in Konfigurationen. Zwischen Kunst und Medien, Kassel, Germany, August 1997.
  • "bioGraphics: enGendered Positions II" Hartnett Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, March - April 1997.
  • "bioGraphics: enGendered Positions" curator Susan Gibson-Garvey, Dalhousie Art Gallery, Exhibition included an interactive web Site ( and publication, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, May - June 1996.
  • "Biographies and Biographics: The Construction of Identity in Art Practice", Andere Korper, Curator Sigrid Schade, Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz, Austria, August 1 - 30, 1994, residence; September 22 - October 30, 1994, exhibition and catalogue
  • "A. Mansell: Cultured Identities", London Regional Art and Historical Museums, July 13 - September 15, 1991. Curator: M. Lennon. Exhibition and catalogue


Selected Performance works

  • I can’t remember the word for I can’t remember: Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, the Firehall, Vancouver,BC, Feb. 2018, toured 2018.
  • How to Be: Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, the Cultch, Vancouver, BC, April 12-15, 2017, toured 2017.
  • empty swimming pool: Tara Cheyenne Performance and Silvia Gibaudi, Costume Design and Creation, Scotia Dance Centre, Vancouver BC, Feb. 2015, Toured Italy April 2016.
  • Porno Death Cult: Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume design and Creation, The Firehall, Vancouver, BC, toured 2014-2016.
  • 4OUR; Joe Ink, Costume and Set Design and Creation, Scotia Dance Centre, Dance Centre, Vancouver, BC 2016.
  • HighGate, the full version:Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, Set Decoration, Exhibition and Context Design and Creation, the cultch, Vancouver, April 30 – May 4, 2013. Toured 2014.
  • Goggles: Tara Cheyenne Performance, Costume Design and Creation, The Firehall, Vancouver, toured 2013—14.
  • Left: Joe Ink, Costume design and Creation, McPherson Playhouse, Victoria, BC February 6-7, 2013, Scotia Bank Dance Centre, March 6-9, 2013
  • The Karolina Sisters: Caroline Liffmann & Lina Fitzner/ Light Box, Big Dress Costume design and creation, Dancing on the Edge, Firehall, July 5 and 7, 2012
  • The Tale of the Girl who went forth to learn what fear was: Lina Fitzner, Big Dress Costume design and creation, FUSE, Vancouver Art Gallery, July 6, 2012
  • Caroline Liffmann & Lina Fitzner, Big Dress Costume design and creation, Dances for a Small Stage, February, 2012
  • Las Tres Marias: The Contingency Plan Costume Design, Firehall Arts Centre, January, 2012.
  • Highgate: the Triplets: Tara Cheyenne Performance Costume design and creation, , Firehall Arts Centre, July 2011
  • HighGate:Tara Cheyenne Performance Set/Costume design and installation for performances, Photo work with Tara Cheyenne Performance, Edam Arts Centre, Vancouver, March, 2009, Dances for a Small Stage, October 2010, Dance Allsorts, February, 2011.
  • InHabitat: Joe Ink set/costume design, creation and installation, Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver, October 15-18, 2, 2009
  • Live from the Bush of Ghosts: Theatre Conspiracy, costume creation, , FUSE, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2008
  • Timber Timbre: Joe Ink, set/costume design and creation with photo, Vancouver International Dance Festival, Scotiabank Dance Centre, March 14-17, 2008
  • bioGraphics: Botanica, paintings, costumes, photographs, installation and performance of LifeSigns. Evergreen Cultural Centre, Coquitlam, BC, April – May 2004. Video produced and exhibited in Shanghai, Vancouver and Gabriola.
  • The Beckoning: Tara Cheyenne, costume and set design and production, the Roxy, Vancouver, August 12-16, 2002, and Espace 303, Montreal, Quebec, March, 2003
  • Traces: Alice Mansell, Costumes, Drawings and Sculpture Installation London Regional Art Gallery, Collaboration with J. Behrens, composer, and D. Krasnow, choreographer, grant from Ontario Arts Council. January 1990.
  • Treppentanz: Alice Mansell, and D. Krasnow, choreographer", Drawings, Projections, Costumes, Set Design and Installation, University Theatre, and composer, cast of 15 dancers, construction and stage crew, Calgary, Alberta, March 11 - 14, 1987.


 Selected Exhibitions

  • Wearing Identity, An Exhibition by Barb Clausen and Alice Mansell, Medici’s, Oliver BC, July-September, 2012
  • MOMENTUM: Contemporary Works By Chinese and Canadian Artists, Nanaimo Art Campus Gallery, Nanaimo, May 12 – June 10, 2006. Exhibition and catalogue
  • "WOMAN'S DECLARATION-Contemporary Women Artists' Exhibition", Shanghai Duolun Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China, November, 2004, exhibition and catalogue
  • Courbet’s "Venus and Psyche" a Painting Lost by Alice Mansell and Mickey Meads, in the Body Missing Web site by Vera Frenkel, 1995-6 (, the National Gallery of Canada, 1996, Bremen, Gemany, 1997, Power Plant, Toronto, 1996, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999, Tokyo, Japan, 2000, Goethe Institute, Toronto, 2000. Exhibit ongoing to present.
  • "Body Missing", Internet Exhibit by Vera Frenkel. "Courbet's Venus and Psyche, A Painting Lost: Three Investigations to locate the Remains of the Body Missing" Images, texts, and video by A. Mansell and A. Meads. International Society for Electronic Art, Montreal, Que. Sept. - Oct. 1995. Now sited at
  • "Representations", Khyber Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February, 1995.
  • "Safe Spaces", Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, December, 1994.
  • "Ot(her) Art: Theory and Practice", Arthur Haberman Gallery, York University, Toronto, February 28 - Mar. 11, 1994.
  • "Practice and Pedagogy", (Role and Identity: Cultivating the Artist, Painting and overlay of text and image). Exhibition of Artists and other works from The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario; Zavitz Hall, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, March 30 - April 21, 1993.
  • "Practice and Pedagogy", (The Culture of the Artist, installation and 40 drawings). Exhibition of Work by Artists at The University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph, McIntosh Gallery, London, Ontario, January 16 – February 21, 1993.
  • "Who's Work is It? And Who Cares?", Video (30 min.) and Text (42 pages) by S. Butler, M. Lennon and A. Mansell, Hart House, Toronto, Ontario, July 1992; Peterborough, Ontario, December 1992 and Woodstock, Ontario, April 1993.
  • "Reflexion vor dem spiegel", curator S. Schade-Tholen, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, Germany, February 7 - 23, 1992.
  • "Memory Works: Postmodern Impulses in Canadian Art", London Regional Art Gallery, Curated by M. Cheetham, Catalogue, London, Ontario. December 15, 1990 - February 4, 1991; Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, September - October, 1991; Mississauga Civic Centre Art Gallery, Mississauga, Ontario, March 8 - April, 1991.
  • "Traces", Drawings and Sculpture Installation London Regional Art Gallery, Collaboration with J. Behrens, composer, and D. Krasnow, choreographer, grant from Ontario Arts Council. January 1990.
  • "Treppentanz", Drawings, Projections, Costumes, Set Design and Installation, University Theatre, Major collaborative project, co-directed with D. Krasnow, choreographer and composer, cast of 15 dancers, construction and stage crew, Calgary, Alberta, March 11 - 14, 1987.
  • "Witness to Private Motives", Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Curated by V. Greenfield, Catalogue, Four-person show. January 8 - February 4, 1987.
  • "Looking at Myself", Exhibit of Self-Portraits, Off Centre Centre, Calgary, Alberta, September 30, 1986. Curated by Don Maybe.
  • "Landshifts", Drawing Series of 20: Projected and Exhibited for Mainstage, University Theatre, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, collaborative performance project with D. Krasnow, choreographer, 1986.
  • "An Alternative Point of View", Four person show, Gulf Canada Square, Calgary, Alberta, January 8 - 27, 1986. Curated by S. Gorris.


Selected Articles and Chapters Published

  • Coastal Women Artists, Essay in catalogue for "WOMAN'S DECLARATION-Contemporary Women Artists' Exhibition" with D. Kneisivich, Shanghai Duolun Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China, November, 2004
  • "KunstlerInnen and die CyberUnivers~itat: Fur eine kulturelle Perspecktive im, ‘Global Village’" in Konfiguration: Zwischen Kunst und Medien, eds. Sigrid Schade and Georg Christoph Tholen, Wilhelm Fink Verlag: Munchen, Buch and CD Rom, ISBN 3-7705-3348-8, pp. 498 - 510, 1999.
  • "Staging the Issues: A Conversation about Practice and Pedagogy" by A. Mansell and R. Shuebrook, in Practice and Pedagogy, The University of Western Ontario, 1993.
  • "Visual Art as Knowledge: Why we study art at University", Western Gazette, Winter, 1992, p. 34.
  • "Who's Work is it? And Who Cares", Book and video with M. Lennon & S. Butler. Project supported by Canada Council Grant, 1991. Text and video exhibited and used in programs at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, York University, Concordia University and Grant McEwan College, 1993 - 2000.
  • "Contemporary Art and Critical Theory in Canada, or Who's on Top?", in The Woman as Artist: Papers in Honour of Marsha Hanen, eds. Christine Mason Sutherland and Beverly Matson Rasporich, University of Calgary Press, pp. 145 - 162, ISBN 895176-37-9, 1993.
  • "Gender Bias in Art Education", Gender Bias in Research: The Pervasive Prejudice, eds, W. Tomm, G. Hamilton, translated by John Yokota, Japan, 1992.
  • "Voice of Art: Education/Image/Art," OSEA Journal, Volume 20, Fall, 1991, pp. 22 - 30.
  • "A. Mansell: Cultured Identities", with M. Lennon, Catalogue London Regional Art Gallery & Historical Museum, 1991.
  • "The Identity of the Body: The Body as Identity", Canadian Woman Studies Journal, Volume II, Number 1, North York: York University Press, pp. 29 - 31. ISBN0713-3235, 1990.
  • "Gender Bias in Art Education," Gender Bias in Research: The Pervasive Prejudice, Waterloo: Sir Wilfred Laurier Press, 1988, pp. 99 - 117.

Reviews and References

  • "In Homeless times, a dance creates shelter" by Gail Johnson, Vancouver Sun, October 15, 2009
  • "Timber/Timbre" by Kevin Griffin, Vancouver Sun, March 15, 2008, "Cloth-Swathed dancers get limber for Timber" by Louise Philips, Vancouver Courier, March 19, 2008, and " Timber/Timbre, Janet Smith, Georgia Straight, March 15, 2008
  • "Whose Idea Was It Anyway? And Who Cares?", by Johanna Drucker, M/E/A/N/I/N/G:Contemporary Art Issues, #13, May 1993, New York: Segue Foundation, pp. 5 - 7.
  • "Visual Pleasure: A Feminist Perspective", by Johanna Drucker, M/E/A/N/I/N/G: Contemporary Art Issues, Number 11, May, 1992, New York: Seque Foundation, p 3-11.
  • "Alice Mansell", by Janice Andrae, Parachute 66, April/May/June 1992, Montreal, pp.44-5.
  • "Vom Versagen der Spiegel, Das Selbst-Portrait in Zeitalter seiner Unonoglichkeit (Maria Lassnig, Cindy Sherman, Alice Mansell, Eva-Maria Schon)" by Sigrid Schade, Reflexionen vor dem Spiegel: Herausgegeben von Farideh Akashe-Bohme, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp-Verlag, 1992, pp. 139 - 163.
  • La memoire postmoderne: Essai sur l'art canadien contemporain, par Mark Cheetham, Trans: Jean Papineau, Montreal: Editions Liber, 1992, pp. 100 - 104, 205.
  • "Art, Identity and the Poetics of Displacement" by Janet Wolff, Catalogue for Faculty Exhibition, 1992, Arbutus


University Degrees and Certificates

Harvard University

Institute for Management in Higher Education

University of Rochester

Theory and Interpretation in the Visual Arts, NEH Institute

University of Manitoba

Senior University Management


Pre Med Science, Chemistry Major


M.A. in Art Education, Drawing and Perceptual Development

U. Calgary

B.Ed. Secondary Art and Post Degree in Fine Arts



Executive and Academic Positions

Mansell Design Group

President, 2002 - current

Leading by Design Inc.

Co- Principal, 2002-2013

Technical University of BC

Founding Vice President Academic and Professor 1998-2002

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, NS

President and Professor, 1994-1998

University of Western Ontario

Chair and Professor, Department of Visual Arts 1987-1993

University of Calgary

Associate Professor, Department of Art, 1976 -1987

Assistant Dean of Fine Arts, 1986-7

Laurentian University

Instructor Contemporary Canadian Art History, 1969-70

Cambrian College

Instructor, Drawing and Printmaking, 1969-74